5 ways to avoid tiredness at work after eating

avoid tiredness at work after eating

Getting tired after a meal is quite common and normal due to various reasons such as release of a chemical in the brain called Adenosine. This chemical is mostly at its peak before bedtime and it also increases in the afternoon after lunch. Tiredness after a meal can also be due to the kind of food you take among all other reasons.

If you feel tired after eating at work, it can be controlled by following the eating guide below.

1. Eat food that is rich in protein

To avoid tiredness at work after eating you should include food that is rich in protein because protein slows down your digestion and prevents you from getting tired after eating at work. This is possible as food rich in protein prevent the rise and flow of blood sugar.

2. Do not skip breakfast

We all know how important breakfast is to the entire body. Studies have also shown that taking breakfast helps to reduce your level of appetite during the day; thus, preventing you from eating unhealthy lunch which can get you tired at work.

Also, taking breakfast can increase your energy level at work which prevents you from feeling tired. On a final note, do visit your doctor if you get tired after a meal more often than normal.

3. Eat healthy mid-afternoon snack

Snacks that contain lots of sugar breaks down into glucose in your body increasing your blood sugar level. The increase in blood sugar leads to an increase in insulin which makes your brain produce sleep-inducing melatonin and the neurotransmitter serotonin, which can make you feel drowsy and tired. Avoid the temptation to eat chocolate, instead, choose a piece of fruit. Also, pick some crackers with low-fat or a handful of almonds instead.

4. Reduce your caffeine intake

Caffeine is known for promoting alertness and also prevents people from getting tired. However, coffee, tea and cola are short-term solutions for sleepiness because too much intake of caffeine can reduce effectiveness over time. Increasing your caffeine intake is unhealthy because you can easily end up having too much caffeine, crashing quickly after it wears off each time. Instead, you should take to non-caffeinated drinks to get you through at work. Water is an excellent substitute for caffeinated drinks as it is also important to keep well hydrated throughout the day.

5. Eat in small portions

A large meal weighs you down, making your digestive system over work. If you feel bloated after eating a big meal, you should re-arrange your meal plan and go for a small portion because it will enable your digestive system work more effectively and prevent tiredness at work place.

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