Eight foodie tips for staying fit


Do you just love good food and can’t help it with your cravings but you are scared of adding some pounds in the wrong place? Here are some tips to help you with your foodie lifestyle and help you stay fit.

Water it down

The water therapy offers the easiest and simplest way to cut down your weight gain. It is the go-to choice for healthy living because it hydrates you without adding any extra calories to your daily consumption. According to research, drinking water before you eat helps to boost your metabolism by 24 -30% and reduces the quantity of food that you tend to consume.

Do not skip breakfast

Are you in the habit of skipping breakfast? Then you need to stop because weight gain is the end result of skipping breakfast. When you don’t eat breakfast, it leads to a drop in your metabolism and increases your hunger. This causes you to eat more than expected which adds up to more calories in your body.


Go on a beef fast

Do you feel your meals are not balanced without a chunky piece of meat? You are not alone. However, different research studies in the UK and United States have confirmed that people on plant based diet tend to have a significantly lesser body weight and lower body mass index (BMI).

So for people who love their beef why don’t you try a beef fast? Strike off a day of the week, you decide go vegetarian. Is it possible? Yes you can.

Exercise portion control

Have you ever thought about using smaller bowls when you want to eat? It helps you to pay attention to the size of your daily intake. This may not be easy at first but you can take baby steps by reducing your food portions by 10 – 20%. Cutting your servings to half with fruits and vegetables can also help to trigger the desired weight loss.

Eat more fruits and vegetables

This combo is rich in fibre and helps to control blood sugar and cholesterol level. Switch up your diet with fruits and veggies to replace other foods that are high in sugar, fat and salt. You will be surprised at how delicious some vegetables taste. Making this transition will allow you to reduce the risk of obesity related diseases and diet-related problems. Why not try a combination of three to four fruits daily.


Get your fitness groove up

Many of us do not like the sound of exercise or workout but the keyword here is consistency. Do not be restrictive with your exercise routine. Even during work hours, instead of taking the elevator, you can take the stairs.

Walking comes in as a thoughtless way of keeping the body moving and alert. You can also get an accountability partner to keep you focused on your fitness goals.

Snack wisely

We all love to relax after work, munching on something maybe in front of the laptop or television. But snacking can be done in a healthy way with substitutes such as nuts, whole grain cereals and even fruits instead of candy and pastries.

There you have it. Eat your cake and have it, the drink is on us.

Images: Pixabay