‘Okay, please serve me some full cup of ice cream; and my favorite is vanilla flavor. Don’t forget to add enough cheese in the stuffing of that hamburger. And you know what? I’m just going to spoil myself with all the pizza I can get from Domino’s tonight. After all, it is only for today, and then I will continue with my dieting tomorrow.’ But, that is just how cheating starts and before you know it, you are off your dieting.
Okay, could you cut yourself some slack? No! Statistics have it that 30% of all dieters fail in the first 5-10 days. But you do not want to be among those. A whopping 70% makes it this far, and that is where you belong! Instead of quitting, you could encourage yourself to compliance. So, how do you do this?
Be disciplined
Call it self-will, willpower, resolve, or determination. It all boils down to discipline. Without self-discipline, absolutely nothing can be achieved. You have to understand that you could either be your own worst enemy, or figure out that your strength lies within you first. It is all a choice you have to make. Your success depends largely on you.
Keep company of other dieters
You need the company of other dieters. There is a synergy that this brings. It is just like a group of birds flying in unison; they gain more speed and altitude. A company of fellow dieters gives you support and cheers you on at every achievement. You should find one in your neighborhood or online. Both will be useful for your cause.
Use a meal planner
You need a meal planner to achieve your dieting goal. We eat food for a number of reasons which include palatability and the need to satiate hunger. Your choice of meal must not only be palatable, but also filling. Anything short of this, you would just be setting yourself up for spells of cheating in your dieting. Any needless to say that you cannot achieve your goals that way.
Add garnishing to your meal
The beautiful thing about colors is that they appeal to us beyond our conscious realization. Garnish your food; make them colorful and attractive. There is no end to the beauty you can achieve with fruits and vegetables. Present your food to yourself in style. This should help you cope with acquiring some new but needed tastes along your dieting journey.
Do not skip meals
Yes, you want to keep the calories down, and it may seem logical that by skipping meals, you can achieve this. Wrong move! In fact as a rule, do not wait till you are hungry before eating, but rather stick to a consistent meal schedule. By this, the temptation to over stuff yourself due to hunger pangs is avoided.
Are you on a diet? Share your compliance secrets with me, I will not tell 🙂