Diet plans and expensive exercise equipment will do you little or no good on your mission to get in shape. If you want to get in shape like a superstar, your get-in-shape plan must have healthy eating, portion control and a solid exercise routine.
You must know that it is hard to find a workout routine that does not just help you get in shape, but fits your need and is easy to keep up with. However there are a few tech tools that can help you find your fit and make the best of it.
These five tech tools can help you get on just fine with the hassle. But the internet has lots of them and while those listed out here may be useful, you can fiddle with search engines, like Google and Yahoo search, to find many others that may work better for you.
Couch to 5k Running Plan
For one who is not used to running, getting on the road for a run may be scary. But all it takes is a small start and the Couch to 5k running plan is made just to prep you up towards your first 5 km run in 6 weeks.
One Hundred Push Ups
Push-ups can be a hard deal. It can even be embarrassing when you are unable to finish a small set of pushs. But push-ups can turn a cheap walk for you. How? The One Hundred Push Ups gives you workout routines designed to take you from 0 to 100 push ups in 6 weeks.
Not only when running, if you are hiking, biking or skipping, on whatever routine, mapping your workout is a good way to monitor what routines you have done, what workouts you have enjoyed and how many calories you have burned out.
If you find the interface too complicated on your first use, you can jump straight to the route creation tool to map out your first run.
Walklogger is a software that is built for your mobile devices. It is a type of pedometer that counts your footsteps by sensing your body motion.
Pedometers are generally great workout motivational tool, that keep track of your physical activity. They are portable devices that you can carry along wherever you go. They come in different sizes and shapes; some are like bangles, others are like wrist bracelets.
We also have the ones that are designed to look like small calculators. You can download Walklogger on your mobile device, enabling you to use your device as a pedometer.
It is easy to set goals but quite harder to nail the target. This tool is designed to help you stick to your workout plan and motivate you to achieve your exercise and fitness goals. You can see it as your artificial intelligence workout coach.
What is stopping you from getting in shape now? Get on your feet and work your way out to that superstar shape you have always wanted.
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