Each individual who is on the weightloss journey has a personal story of why they made up their mind to lose weight. From looming health risk to social issues, the determination to lose weight is usually strong and unwavering.
However, research, has shown that only 20% of dieters are able to lose weight and keep it off in the long term. This assertion does not necessarily apply to you, so, do not be afraid that all your efforts will result in temporary weightloss.
Here are 5 ways to keep off excess weight after losing it
1. Exercise regularly
After you attain your weightloss goal you should not neglect exercising on a daily basis. If you do, your excess fat will come back and you will find yourself back at square one.
So, to maintain your weightloss, exercise regularly. You do not have to do rigorous workouts, commitment to 30 minutes daily exercise five times a week is sufficient.
2. Join a support group
In a support group there are usually members who have similar goals and a professional who is an expert in their area of interest. Joining a support group will expose you to community support, encouragement, collaborations and expert coaching. These factors coupled with your own efforts can help you maintain weightloss.
At SlimFitU, we run a weightloss community for women who need to achieve optimal health, do join us. If you are yet to start your weightloss journey, contact me now to get started today.
3. Drink water
You should drink at least 8 glasses of water daily. This will help you stay hydrated and keep you full, thus, you will be active and have less urge to eat excess food. Another way water can help you maintain weightloss is to drink water before taking your meal. According to research, drinking water before you eat helps to boost your metabolism by 24 -30% and reduces the quantity of food that you tend to consume.
4. Eat protein
Eating protein will boost your metabolism and reduce your appetite for too much food thereby promoting moderate eating. See our previous post on the best sources of protein for a healthy diet. Also go here to learn more about how protein can help you maintain weightloss.
5. Be consistent
Always remember that health is wealth, so do not get lazy or procrastinate on your fitness routine. Exercise regularly, eat good food and do not be far from your support group.
Did you recently achieve your weightloss goal? What are your maintenance plans?