Most women find it difficult to breastfeed and also embark on a weightloss journey. This explains why some wait till their babies have out grown the breastfeeding period to properly lose the fat accumulated from during and after the pregnancy.
We all know the importance of breastfeeding for the baby, but for some set of women, it also has the benefit of helping them burn some extra calories, which can help to shed extra pounds gained during pregnancy. Care and caution should be taken when trying to lose weight while breast feeding.
However, by eating the right types of foods, exercising, and taking good care of yourself, you can shed weight. Breastfeeding and taking care of a baby is very time-consuming, and losing weight might feel like an impossible task.
Weightloss while breastfeeding can be a slow process and it can take a long time for you and a short time for the next person because our bodies are different. Therefore, don’t feel sad about it but try to be consistent.
If you want to get your pre-pregnancy body back, the healthiest way to lose weight is through a gradual process and you need to start by eating healthy foods with a low-fat content. The good news is that you can go on the weight loss journey and still breast feed by following the tips below.
Five tips on how to lose weight while breastfeeding
1. Eat smaller but frequent meals
When you eat in small portions at frequent intervals, it helps to reduce your level of appetite which will prevent you from going for unhealthy choices when hungry.
In addition, waiting for a long time before you eat affects your hormone which affects the supply of milk.
2. Cut down your calories
It is also safe to go on diet while breastfeeding. But, your calorie intake should not be below 1,800 calories in a day and make sure you eat nutritious food because of the baby.
3. Look for healthy and nutritious alternative for snack
Most times, we feel that snacking is unhealthy for the body. This is actually not true, snacking is healthy and it keeps hunger away. Snacking should not be discouraged, just make sure youould take healthy snack like fruits and nuts.
4. Drink enough water
Drinking water is recommended to help with weightloss. Water helps to flush out harmful toxin from your body that can hinder the breakdown of the food you have eaten. Staying hydrated is important for successful breastfeeding, and it’s essential for healthy weightloss.
5. Start with exercise
Take up light exercise that won’t affect your breastfeeding. Pay more attention to aerobics and cardio workouts. You can start by taking 30-minute workout sessions three to five times a week. Take a stroll because it can also help and you can use this time to take your child out for some fresh air. However, don’t try to overwork yourself; take one step at a time.