Fruits are the edible sweet and fleshy product of a tree or other plant that contain seeds. They are nutritious and also essential to your health. Many studies have proven how beneficial fruits are to the human body.
However, there are still people who would rather go for junks instead of a healthy choice which is fruits and vegetables. Therefore, there is a need to educate everyone on the benefits of taking fruits, how fruits can help weight loss and how you can identify a good fruit.
Firstly, what are the benefits of taking fruits? Fruits provide numerous benefits as summarized below.
1. They keep diseases away
Daily consumption of fruits helps to keep illness away. Some of these illnesses are high blood pressure, stroke, indigestion, cancer, heart disease, diabetes and other chronic diseases. This is made possible with credits to the combination of powerful flavonoids, antioxidants, minerals, vitamins, phytochemicals and the countless micro and macronutrients which can be found in fruits.
2. Fruits give you smooth and radiant skin
Certain fruits like banana, papaya, cucumber have been attributed to facial treatment because they help fight acne and pimples. You can include berries, apples and banana into your diet and watch your skin look fresh and radiant. Fruits also keep your skin supple and hydrated and nourishes it with essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.
3. They supply you with instant energy
Fruits supply instant energy in no time. This explains why athletes take fruit before and after training because they supply instant energy; also, pregnant women are advised to take lots of fruits.
4. Fruits aid healthy hair growth
Fruits have always been good source of vitamins and nutrients, making them the main source of healthy diet. It is not surprising to know that fruits can improve hair growth, strength and quality. Fruits like orange, apples, strawberry, avocado and pineapple are very beneficial to hair growth.
Now, how can fruits aid weightloss?
Weightloss is often achieved through different strategies and one of those strategies is through healthy eating, which entails eating lots of fruits. Fruits help to achieve weightloss because they contain lots of fiber.
According to a report by the National Institute of Health newsletter, people on high fiber diets tend to eat about 10 percent fewer calories. In addition, other large studies found that people who have a high intake of fiber tend to weigh less. This is made possible because fiber is an indigestible plant-based carbohydrate which is quite filling and has no calories.
However, consumption of fruits alone cannot help attain weightloss. It can be achieved with the combination of exercise, dieting, and healthy eating.
How to identify good fruits
Look out for the following things below to identify if the fruit is a good one.
- Check for molds on the fruit, if you find any do not buy it
- Check the color if it is the right color of the fruit
- Look for spots and bruises to know the handle rate of the fruit
- Buy fruits during them the right season
- Feel them carefully before buying
Conclusively, we will start a series on fruits and vegetables. The aim to help you get to know more about fruits and go for more healthy choices.