Nine dieting rules for effective weightloss

Dieting according to an online encyclopedia is the practice of eating food in a regulated and supervised fashion to decrease, maintain or increase body weight. One key to a successful diet result is obedience. If you obey the rues and regulations you will get the desired result.

So you have made up your mind to start your weightloss journey by dieting? Follow these rules for effective weightloss and you are set for a good result. I have broken​ the rules into two parts: the dos and the don’ts.

Dos of dieting for weightloss

1. Eat food rich in fiber

If you are dieting, it is pertinent that your food be rich in fiber, so that the little food intake will be nutritious and filling, therefore, keeping you healthy and full throughout the day. Resist calories loaded foods. Example of fibre rich foods are cereal, whole grain, wheat bread, oatmeal etc.

2. Drink enough water

Take clean and pure water at interval to boost your energy. The recommended amount of water to drink per day is 8 glasses. So when dieting instead of you marring the journey with consumption of fizzy drinks and juices, replace them with water. Remember that those drinks are loaded with empty calories. Water is quite filling, helps in better digestion and also helps to clear the system of built-up toxins.

3. Eat in small portion

Nutritionists advocate eating in small portion throughout the day. Portion moderation will keep you full all day and helps you refrain from grabbing junks. So instead of finishing a bowl of food at a go, try and eat them in bits, that way you wouldn’t be taking in more calories than expected.

4. Use hand-fist measurement for all your consumption

This method works perfectly well for dieters. Whatever healthy food you are consuming shouldn’t exceed your hand fist size, so as to reduce calories intake, which is a culprit in dieting for weightloss.

5. Eat balanced diet

Most times, we do not know how to combine our foods to get the maximum result. You need to consult the experts in the field. Get the nutritionists, food technologists, food scientists, and dietitians to assist you in getting your food combination right. Contact me now for your affordable mealplan.

Don’ts of dieting for weightloss

6. Don’t starve yourself

It will be an effort in futility if you go starving yourself. Experts say you will be slowing down your metabolism. So eat but make sure you do so in a healthy way and in little portion.

7. Dump junk foods

These foods are high in sugar and loaded with heavy calories. They raise your taste bud leaving you  with cravings for more of the sugary stuff, and this automatically means consuming more calories. Refrain from eating junks when dieting.

8. Reduce or don’t eat fatty food

Saturated fat should be eliminated from your menu; these fats hinder progress in the dieting journey. They line up cells in the body, thus making easy digestion almost impossible. So avoid them foods such as red meat, bacon and butter.

9. Don’t be a food lover

Dieting and food addiction cannot go together. Because if you need to lose weight through dieting, then you must look the other way when food is staring you in the face. Refrain from always been around food and learn to restrict your intake to the set calories intake for the day.

Follow these rules and you are fit for life.