Junks are of no nutritional value to man’s food diet. It leads to an increase in weight and consequentially develops into health hazards that can in turn cause death.
Various blog posts have fixed their attention on either the ‘deliciousness’ of the junks, or on how dangerous it can be, but very little attention has been devoted to getting rid of this ‘delicious but dangerous’ diet from our dietary plan.
To some people, this may look like a fruitless exercise, a seemingly impossible task. But impossible as removing junks from our dietary plan may look, it is possible. Of course, it may be a difficult task.
However, it is important to know that we all consume ‘calorie-ridden’ food substances one way or the other and at different proportions, hence the reason for the differences in our weight.
Below are some tips that can help to get the junks out of our diet.
Slow and steady start
It is important to note that the sudden switch from all forms of junks cannot give result as quick as we want it. That is, it can’t happen overnight. It has to be a gradual process that can only happen over time. A dedicated weekly change in diet from junks to vegetables could be an excellent starting point.
Consume lots of water
Often regarded as the best liquid substance in the world. It is one of the few drinks with nutritional benefit. Drinking lots of water until it fills up the stomach is good.
Fall in love with the food you eat
There are so many delicious less dangerous food with more nutritional value out there that can surely tickle your fancy. Find yours and start eating.
Make sure you are eating enough food
After discovering what food you are in love with, determine and make sure you eat substantial amount of it until you get filled up.
Most people may be surprised to find this particular item on the list. But little do they know that exercise is a great way of getting the junks out of the diet plan. Once you realize an appetite or a craving, but not real hunger, the solution is simply exercise. Do something until you get bored or sleep.
Cut the addiction
If you discover you have become an addict to certain dangerous junks, reduce the consumption of such to a little less every day. Eat one instead of those three sugar-coated doughnuts during lunch break. If you are addicted to chocolate, slowly replace sweet milky ones with less sugary dark chocolates.
Get an occasional treat
A lot of people may be alarmed to see this here, many may tend to disagree but, trust me, this works well. Don’t be obsessed with avoiding junks. You’re allowed a treat once in a while. This may take some time.
If you find yourself wanting more than the occasional treat, step back and find the problem. Re-plan your eating habit to make sure you are happy, healthy and satisfied.
The usefulness of these tips are relative to your compliance and obedience to them.