Weightloss resolution? no way!
Do yourself a favour, do not resolve to lose weight. Resolve to change your habits. Encourage healthy eating and improved fitness that could easily result in weightloss.
How do you do this? Ask yourself the following questions
- Do you meet your nutritional needs?
- Are you getting 5 servings of fruits and vegetables daily?
- How are your foods prepared?
- How many foods are fried?
- How many servings of sweets do you have daily?
- How many food items come from a box, package or can?
- What beverage choices are you making?
- How much water are you drinking daily?
- How many cups of tea and coffee do you consume?
- How many sugar sweetened beverages do you consume daily?
- What activities are you doing while you eat?
- How quickly do you eat your meals?
- How often do you eat breakfast?
- Do you skip lunch?
- How many minutes of physical activity do you get each week?
Try to get answers and analyze your results. Make changes and improve wherever appropriate. Set goals and be determined to achieve them. Resolve to make realistic resolutions.
Here are some of them
Including a variety of foods in your diet daily will provide your body with numerous benefits of different nutrients.
Overloading your body with fried, fatty, sweet and sauced foods can add unwanted fat, cholesterol, salt and sugar to your diet. Small changes in this area will benefit not only your weight but also help lower the risk of heart disease, certain cancers, diabetes and high blood pressure.
Keeping your body hydrated is key to your health. Try to drink at least 8 cups of water daily. 100% fruit juices are not 100% after all. Fibre of the fruits have been removed, plus most contain added sugars. Coffee, tea and diet beverages are not the best sources of fluid for the body. They should be consumed in moderation.
Doing another activity like watching TV, reading, playing with computer makes you lose track of how much you have eaten and you may eventually overeat. Make eating a deliberate event. Focus on your meals, relish the taste and enjoy every bit of it. Don’t eat too fast, try to slow down, chew more slowly. Take a drink of water between bites.
Try not to skip any meals. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Distribute your meals throughout the day to stay nourished. 5 – 6 smaller meals (snacks inclusive) is better than 2 large meals.
Physical activity can help you stay fit and healthy. It also helps you to tone your body and lose weight. Include 30mins of exercise at least 4 days each week. You can start with walking or jumping ropes.
Changing of habits comes from the mind. Make the change. Change your mind to stay healthy. Change your mind to change your body.
We can help you achieve the aforementioned with our weightloss coaching and lifestyle modification programmes. Contact us now to get started.