Ways exercise makes you look gorgeous and feel fantastic

Working out isn’t all about losing weight or trying to stay in shape.

The rewards of exercise extend far beyond slimming down, exercise makes you look gorgeous and feel fantastic also.

From research, we have found out that every cell in the human body benefits from physical activity.

And this is the reason why within an hour of exercising, you feel less anxious; that night you sleep better; and also from research, afterwards your body processes blood sugar more efficiently.

Do you need more reasons to lace up that sneakers and workout?

Here are some of the few ways exercise can make you look and feel fantastic.

1. To get a smooth and more radiant skin:

Breaking a sweat isn’t the only way exercise benefits the skin — it helps regulate skin-significant hormones and prevents free-radical damage.

When you exercise, the tiny arteries in your skin opens up, allowing more blood to reach the skin’s surface and deliver nutrients that repair damage from the sun and environmental pollutants.

These nutrients also rev up the skin’s collagen production, preventing wrinkles.

2. Greater self-confidence:

Confident people radiate a certain physical appeal and charisma.

From research, people who began a regular exercise program at their local gym felt better about their self-worth, their physical condition and their overall health compared with their peers who stayed home.

The best part was that their self-worth crept up right away — even before they saw a significant change in their bodies.

Our self-worth is directly tied to our energy levels, our feelings of competence and our perceived attractiveness, and nothing is more gorgeous than the self-assurance that comes from feeling good in your own skin.

3. Less stress and anxiety:

Anxiety, fearfulness and uncertainty all drain your vitality and dampen your mood, which in turn tends to show on your face and in the way you carry yourself. Exercise has been shown to alleviate most mild to moderate cases of anxiety, and can very quickly improve mood.

4. Better Immunity and Detoxification:

Exercise shores up the immune system by boosting the body into churning out more white blood cells.

You don’t get that worn-down sick look that comes from feeling under the weather, and small blemishes and wounds of all kinds heal faster.

There is no supplement or medication that has proven to be as strong as regular exercise in improving the immune system’s ability to detect and destroy invaders.

5. Less Visceral Fat

Visceral fat is the body fat stored within the abdominal cavity and is therefore stored around a number of important internal organs such as the liver, pancreas and intestines.

Yes, exercise can help you lose that, boosting your overall vitality and your looks.

Regular exercise trains the body to burn visceral fat more efficiently.

I hope with these few points, you would take exercise more serious?. Do you want to take part of our monthly weightloss challenge tagged FITBY30, click on the link bit.ly/FITBY30